How to find an option that works 
best for your family.
Unfortunately, educating your children can feel like a roller coaster ride as of late. Whether it’s unpredictable schedules, falling behind in certain subjects, or just keeping a child engaged, many parents are discovering that their current situation isn’t the best fit. Here are some helpful tips for making the transition to Abeka homeschoola school that’s always open and ready to keep your child on track. 
Choose How You Homeschool
You're not in this alone. Even though you're in control, that doesn't mean you have to spend all your time instructing your kids and preparing lesson plans. 

You’ve got options, including video homeschool—the easiest way to make sure your child learns everything they need.

Cost Comparison
For as little as $1,271 for a full year of elementary school, including books and tuition, choose Abeka Academy as your learning at home option. This means you’re able to give your child an education that’s both academically rigorous and exceptionally affordable. Plus, when you spend $350 or more, you can stretch your payments over 10 months and get your materials now.

Homeschool Puts You In Control

by putting your child's success first
For Your Kids
Get up to $250 credited to your account by switching to Abeka now.

When your child needs more from their education

Abeka Academy: Homeschool at the push of a button
With Abeka Academy, the video homeschool option from Abeka, children learn by watching master teachers lead the lessons on prerecorded videos. Parents provide follow-up and encouragement. 

Here is what you need to know about Abeka Academy:

Instruction takes place in a Christian school classroom.
Professional educators teach using Abeka’s proven curriculum.
We offer both accredited and independent study (unaccredited).
The Basics
If using all video lessons, students at home watch lessons on streaming video or DVD between two to five hours a day, depending on their grade level.
Your children see real interactions between the teacher and video classroom students. (They may even feel like part of the class.)
A free academic helpline is included with your enrollment, staffed by educators who know how to explain difficult concepts.
For Parents
Each enrollment includes a video manual with clear instructions about what to do each day.
You’ll stay involved in your child’s education by checking their work, grading tests, listening to their oral presentations, etc.
With the accredited option, Abeka validates all major assignments, issues report cards, and provides official transcripts.
Move at your own pace
Dedicate more time to tough subjects
Decide when they start and finish each year
Work around your busy schedule
Get 25 free hours of Abeka Academy right now and experience our engaging teachers and classroom atmosphere firsthand. You’ll have access to our entire library of streaming video lessons.
Ready to start your homeschooling journey? Check out the best ways to save on Abeka Academy curriculum now.
Try Video Lessons Free
Ways to Save
That means you can withdraw your child from school to begin homeschooling whenever you need to—even in the middle of a school year! All you have to do is follow the steps for your state. (You can find a list on the HSLDA website.)
Use as a way to tutor or reinforce tough subjects like math and reading.
A way to try video homeschool now as you sort out what comes next.
If you're ready to commit to homeschool, purchase now and start whenever.
Single Subject 
One Semester

Abeka - Homeschool Options